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Fantastical Tales

The photographic collages in the collection “Fantastical Tales” tell unusual and often humorous stories about animals and children in a variety of strange situations. To create these composite pieces, I draw on my archives of photography, assembling parts of photos I have taken using various photo-editing programmes. A story emerges as I shift each part around on the background.
These whimsical, surreal images are open to subjective interpretation, and everyone who views the images can find different stories. For this reason, each picture has only a basic title with the hope that the viewers can imagine their own fantastical tale.
The images in this collection were created for people to enjoy. In our hectic lives today, sometimes we don’t have time for joy, and our time is spent focusing on the problems we are dealing with in our work and families. We all need time to relax and engage in joyful moments with friends and family. It is my hope that viewing these images, laughing at their absurdity, and comparing stories with others will fulfill our needs for pure joy, creativity, and emotional well-being.
Travel Photographer/Photo Editor
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